The Causal Factors Affecting High Performance Organization of the Royal Thai Army Medical Department
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The objective of this research is to study, 1) organizational culture, transformational leadership, organizational member competence, organizational commitment and High Performance Organization (HPO) in the Royal Thai Army Medical Department, 2) the influence of organizational culture, transformational leadership, organization’s member competence, organizational commitment on High Performance Organization (HPO) of the Royal Thai Army Medical Department, and 3) a proposed causal model showing relationship among organizational culture, transformational leadership, through organization’s member competence and organizational commitment which have an effect on High Performance Organization (HPO) of the Royal Thai Army Medical Department. The research uses quantitative research method. The sample group consists of 500 medical staff who have been working in the Royal Thai Army Medical Department for more than three years, selected by multistage random sampling. The research instrument is a five-point scale questionnaire with reliability at 0.97. The data are analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient analysis, confirm factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis.
The findings reveal that: 1) organizational culture, transformational leadership, organizational member competence, organizational commitment and the High Performance Organization (HPO) of the Royal Thai Army Medical Department are overall at the high level (x2 = 3.87, S.D. = 0.73); 2) transformational leadership, organization’s member competence and organizational commitment have a direct effect on High performance Organization (HPO) while organizational culture, transformational leadership have an indirect effect on High Performance Organization (HPO) through organization’s member competence and organizational commitment at .01 statistical level of significance; and 3) the causal relationship model is in congruence with the empirical data, i.e. x2 = 119.15, df = 80, P-value = 0.098, GFI = 0.98, AGFI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.04, RMR = 0.02. This model could explain 98% variance of High Performance Organization.
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