The Development of Effectiveness in Multicultural Society Policy Implementation in Southern Border Provinces, Thailand

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Jane Suksrithong


This article is written from qualitative research with the following objectives: 1) to study the process of multicultural society policy formulation in southern border provinces; 2) to study the process of multicultural society policy implementation in southern border provinces; and 3) to suggest an alternative of the development of effectiveness in multicultural society policy implementation in southern border provinces. The data is collected by using key informant selection and the tools are used with various methods which are data searching from document, structured interviews, unstructured interviews, participant and non-participant observation, and seminar. Then the data is gathered and analyzed until research results are found.

The research findings show that there are specific organizations and methods that are related to policy formulation and policy implementation, which are security organizations, development organizations, culture organizations, civil society sector, academics and the general public. Research findings suggest an alternative that is the knowledge about multicultural society appropriate for implementing in southern border provinces called “sufficient multiculturalism.” Furthermore, this research also suggests the concept for policy formulation that applies elite model with group model. Finally, the research suggests the concept of policy implementation that is modified from the Royal Initiative of His Majesty “Understand, Achieve and Develop” until it turns into the alternative development of effectiveness in policy implementation that consists of knowledge creation, strength development and expansion.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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