Development of Indicators for Public Organization Administration in the Field of Marine Mammals Conservation in Thailand

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Nantarika Chansue
Sudawan Somjai
Chandej Charoenwiriyakul


The objectives of this research are: to develop and test a model representing the relationship of indicators for public organization administration in the field of marine mammal conservation in Thailand and to study the possibilities for the application of the developed indicators in real practice. This research uses a mixed research methodology done in three steps, which are 1) studying and developing the indicators, 2) testing the relationship model of the indicators, and 3) studying the possibilities for application. The sample consists of ten experts selected by purposive sampling for in-depth interviews whose data is analyzed with content analysis and 400 officers and local people living in the seashore area selected by proportional stratified sampling whose data is collected with the questionnaire and analyzed by confirmation factor analysis. And ten more experts were selected by purposive sampling for questionnaire and average analysis.

The research findings show that 1) the indicators of public organizations involved in the field of marine mammal conservation in Thailand consist of bureaucratic structure, the new public management model and development of public sector management quality which comprise of 20 sub-components and 84 indicators, 2) the model representing the relationship of the indicators is consistent with the empirical data where the development of public sector management quality has the highest factor loading followed by the bureaucratic structure and the new public management model respectively, and 3) in the opinion of the experts, there is a high possibility that the developed indicators can be applied to actual practice.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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