The Study of the Airport’s Roles in the Preventions of Transnational Organized Crimes: A Case Study of Suvarnabhumi Airport
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The objective of this research is to study the airport’s roles, the problems and obstacles, and the developing approaches in term of the prevention of transnational organized crime. This research studies the case of Suvarnabhumi Airport by using the qualitative research method which analyzes qualitative data and descriptive data. The study uses documentary research method, collects related laws, conducts in-depth interviews with executives of related agencies who are responsible for the transnational crimes occurred at airports, observes operation of airport security screening officers, and interviews airport users.
The findings show that the aviation industry is the main target for transnational organized crimes including terrorism. From the data analysis, a massive influx of foreigners into Thailand also causes security problems. Crimes committed by transnational organized crimes at airports include elephant tusks and wildlife smuggling, drugs smuggling, illegal immigration, acts of unlawful interference, etc. However, it is shown by the study that clients of Suvarnabhumi Airport have trust and confidence in airport security measures due to both national and international laws enforced at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Therefore, AOT must revise and establish a standard of operations for all airports under its authority which includes the six existing airports and the new ones that will be added in the future.
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