Strategy for the Development of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School Based on the Concept of Organizational Learning

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Ratree Taphun
Anchalee Chayanuvat


This study aims at 1) studying the concept of organizational learning components of a learning organization, 2) analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School based on the concept of organizational learning in comparison to the actual conditions and the desired conditions, and 3) proposing the strategies for the development of the School as a learning organization based on the concept of the learning organization. This study employs the four-phase mixed methods approach. The population consists of 900 staff members of the School. The sample groups for the questionnaire are composed of the executives and supervisors selected by purposive sampling and general staff selected by simple random techniques. The data collection is conducted by using questionnaires, evaluation forms, and focus group discussions, while in the data analysis, descriptive statistics, which included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, PNI Modified Index, and content analysis, are used.

The findings reveal that 1) the concept of organizational learning is composed of seven components: leadership in learning, learning promotion policy, learning support environment, learning culture development, shared vision learning, lifelong learning, and digital technology application learning. Learning organization has three levels, namely organizational level, group/ team level, and individual level. 2) The analysis of internal conditions indicates that leadership in learning, learning culture development, and lifelong learning bring about strengths of the school while weaknesses are found in shared vision learning, learning promotion policy, learning support environment, and digital technology application learning. External conditions, which are opportunities of the school, include policy, discipline/goodness, organization/unit while threats are society, economy, technology, and environment. 3) The strategies that will lead to development are leadership in learning, learning promotion policy, learning support environment, learning culture development, shared vision learning, lifelong learning, and digital technology application learning. The recommendations for developing a learning organization include 1) transforming learning in the digital era, 2) building leadership at all levels, 3) building commitment in team learning, and 4) creating new cultures in new contexts.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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