The Study of Factors Inflfluencing Thai Defense Industry towards Metaverse Era

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Arnon Tubtiang


Thailand defines the defense industry as an important industry in the target of the National Strategic Plan. According to the Master Plan No.4 Industry and Services of the Future, it is estimated to grow 5% in the first 10 years, then 10% in the subsequent 10 years. Currently, Thailand Is classified as a country in the 3rd Tier or Tier 3 group of the world's defense industry. This means the country mainly relies on importing technology and equipment from foreign countries. In addition, Thailand aims to be pramoted to the top 30 innovation countries in the world by 2030. Both of these goals are very important to support Thailand to become a technology self-reliant country, especially in defense technology. However, the world is entering the Metaverse era where the real world and the virtual world are more seamlessly connected to each other. As a result, the meaning of traditional technology has significantly changed. New technology such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), Cyber, and Artificial Intelligence (Al) is rapidly emerging, yielding a new aspect of security that is affecting all the involved parties. This article analyzes the situation in Thailand using the conceptual framework of tripartite cooperation (Triple Helix Model: THM). It is the key to the development of the innovation ecosystem. The Triple Helix Model focuses on linking the operations of private sectors, state agencies and education sectors together. This study also conducts the analysis of factors affecting the national defense industry. Finally, this article presents recommendations for the achievement of the national goals of the defense industry.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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