The Expectation and Satisfactions of Energy Storage Bag Prototype for Security, Disaster and Remote Areas Applications

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Prakart Pawa Thongsawang


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the expectation of developing an energy storage bag prototype for security applications, disasters and remote areas; 2) to study the satisfaction of developing a prototype energy storage bag for security applications, disasters and remote areas; and 3) to compare the differences between expectations and satisfactions for the development of a prototype energy storage bag for security, disasters and remote areas applications. The samples used in the research were 201 soldiers with special missions in the fields of special reconnaissance, informal warfare and counter-terrorism. The tool used in this research is a questionnaire. In addition, we apply an inferential statistic which is the test of difference in mean between expectation and satisfaction of energy storage bag prototype with Paired t-test and One-Way ANOVA)

The results showed that 1) the comparative analysis of the difference in the level of expectation of energy storage bag classified by personal factors was found that males had higher levels of expectation for the use of energy storage bag. In addition, the users with 5-6 years of operational time have a higher level of expectation of using a material of energy storage bag than the users with 7-8 years of service with a statistically significant level of 0.05. 2) the comparative analysis of the difference in satisfaction levels of energy storage bag classified by personal factors was found that the users aged 40-50 had higher levels of satisfaction with the use of functional energy storage bag than those users who are over 50 years old. In addition, the users with 2-3 and 3-4 years of operational time have a higher level of satisfaction with the use of the energy storage bag in the aspects of using and maintenance that was higher than the users with a duration of operation of 7-8 years and less than 1 year, respectively, with a statistical significance level at the 0.05. Finally, 3) the comparative analysis of differences between expectations and satisfaction of the use of energy storage bag was found that overall energy storage bag was not different in their expectations and satisfactions. As for each aspect, it is found that there are differences in materials. Therefore, in the future with the step of product development, it in order to make the difference that increase the level of satisfaction of the users of the energy storage bag.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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