Development of a Multilevel Structural Equation Model of Factors Influencing Learning and Innovation Skills
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This research aimed to examine the causal model of student levels and class levels with students’ learning skills and innovation. The samples, obtained through multi-stage random sampling, were divided into two groups: 1) 893 students as the samples for the analysis of student level factors and 2) 78 teachers as the samples for the analysis of class level factors. The instruments were a questionnaire for students and a questionnaire for teachers. Statistical data were analyzed using SPSS22.0, and the Multilevel Structural Equation Model (MSEM) was analyzed using Mplus 8.8.
The result revealed that the Multilevel Structural Equation Model (MSEM) affecting students’ learning skills was consistent with the empirical data (Chi-square = 86.903, df = 71, p-value = 0.0966, and RMSEA = 0.016). Examining the causal model of the student level factors, the research found that democratic parenting, students’ attitude and internal locus of control towards learning had positive effect on students’learning skills and innovation. In addition, democratic parenting was found to be statistically significant, indirectly affecting students’ learning skills and innovation through their internal locus of control. Examining the causal model of class level factors, the result was statistically significant, revealing that learning activities and classroom atmosphere had positive impact on students’ learning skills and innovation. Both factor groups could explain students’ learning skills with a variance of 71% and explain students’ innovation with a variance of 95%.
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