Media Exposure, Perception, Utilization and Participation of Public Relations Informations among the Royal Thai Air Force Personnel
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This study explores media exposure, perception, utilization and participation of public relations information among the Royal Thai Air Force personnel. Key objectives are 1) Understanding demographic factors influencing individual behaviors media exposure, perception, utilization and participation of public relations information among the group of informants 2) Understanding the difference of media exposure, perception, utilization and participation of public relations information among informants categorized by demographic factors 3) Studying the correlation between behaviors towards media exposure and individual perception among the informants 4) Examining the correlation between perception and utilization of the perceived information among the informants 5) Examining the correlation between utilization and participation of the informants. Additionally, this study employs a quantitative approach through the use of a questionnaire survey. The sampling is focused primarily on a group of 400 Royal Thai Air Force personnel. The study determined statistically significant at the 0.05 level.
The findings indicate that 1) The behaviours of informants regarding media exposure to public relations information fell into the ‘High’ segment, with an average of 3.46 2) The perception of informants regarding to public relations information fell into the ‘High’ segment, with an average of 3.70 3) The utilization of public relations information among the informants fell into the ‘High’ segment, with an average of 3.92 4) The participation of informants regarding public relations information fell into the ‘Medium’segment, with an average of 3.00 Further more,the hypothesis testing results indicate that demographic factors such as educational attainment and years of work experience have a minor effect on individual behaviours regarding media exposure. Individual behaviours involving media exposure have a positive correlation with how the Royal Thai Air Force personnel perceive public relations information,The perception of public relations information by Royal Thai Air Force personnel is positively correlated with information utilization, Lastly, with a statistical significance of .05, information utilization among personnel is positively correlated with Royal Thai Air Force personnel participation after the perception of provided information. which indicated statistically significance level of 0.5.
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