Online Training on the Topic of Military Ideology and Volunteerism to Promote Professional Military Conscience in the Headquarters of the National Defence Studies Institute
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The objectives of this research are 1) to develop an online training system to be appropriate for military personnel under the Headquarters of the National Defence Studies Institute Headquarters; 2) to compare training achievement which is done online; 3) to study the correlation of post-test scores and professional military awareness Self-assesment scores and scores of attitude assessment on professional military conscience and volunteerism of military personnel affiliated with the National Defense Studies Institute Headquarters; and 4) to study the satisfaction towards online training system.
The results shown that 1) the online training system on military ideology and volunteerism to promote professional military conscience that the researchers developed at showed that high level and can be used to teach the sample group; 2) the comparison of academic achievement with the pre-test scores of the sample group shows that the post-research average score ( = 28.83, SD = 0.83) higher than that of the pre-research ( = 16.20, SD = 2.94) with statistical significant at 0.01; 3) the post-test scores, the scores from the assessment of attitude towards professional military conscience and volunteerism are correlated with the value of r = 0.46 and the value of t = 0.000, which indicates that the correlation is significantly high while the post-test scores and professional military awareness scores are not correlated with the value of r = 0.27, t = 0.000. The least correlated scores are the scores of professional military awareness and the scores of attitude towards professional military conscience and volunteerism with r = 0.31, t = 0.000; and 4) the overall satisfaction of the sample group with the online training system on military ideology and volunteerism to promote professional military conscience of military personnel under the National Defense Studies Institute Headquarters were at high level.
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