Digital Platform for Livable Homeland : from Ideal to Action
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“Digital Platform for Livable Homeland” is an integration of intelligent innovations and smart technologies to create strategic and practical tools to accommodate communities’ specific needs and formulate procedures and management for their self-development in overcoming unique and multifaceted threats. Such integrations enable communities to recognize patterns of events, assesses ways to resolve problems, and establish service networks through easy-to-access channels for residents to be self-reliance and resilient amidst troublesome events in the past and future. This enables them to thrive in accordance with the goal of national interest: “Security, Prosperity, Sustainability” in ways which communities can reshape themselves into smart communities or cities. In turn, governmental agencies can utilize such integrations to; 1) efficiently solve problems and meet unique needs of people in each community, 2) securely strengthening communities via comfortable, safe, timely and flexible manners and ways of civil service with lessened to no disparity and unfair treatment to bring about better quality of life to everyone in the homeland as a whole.
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