The Outcome of Implementation of Naval Financial Management Information System
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The objectives of this research are to study and compare the outcomes of the usage of Naval Financial Management Information Sysyem (NFMIS) in the Department of Finance and Naval Command in terms of operational performance, satisfaction with system operations, and problem encountered from system. By analyzing the opinions of operators in agencies overseen by the Military Finance Division, 300 ships were classified into cost centers and profit centers. It employs quantitative research methodologies and analyses data using averages and standard deviations, as well as T-Tests to compare operator opinions in each center at a 95% confidence level.
According to study, operators from various agencies agree that using NFMIS in the financial and naval departments improved operational performance by offering the same standardized forms and financial reporting formats for the entire organization. This also affected budget monitoring and assessment, and better operational time management resulted in a lower workload and operating costs. All operators are highly satisfied with the system's quality, information, and service level. The problems observed during system operations were minor to moderate, with significantly varying levels of difficulty between agencies, particularly the lack of 24/7 support. The support staff was insufficient, and the system's data did not support the information in its existing form.
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