The Micro-learning Model Mixed with Gamification via Metaverse to Create Characteristics of Digital Citizenship for Military Craftsman Students

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Chuthamat Rokaiphet
Pinanta Chatwattana


The micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse is a research tool that was devised by integrating the micro-learning process with gamification. Once applied in instructional management and assisted by metaverse technology, this model is believed to stimulate students to have more interest in learning, develop their critical thinking skills, and increase the efficiency of learning. The objectives of this research are 1) to analyze and synthesize the conceptual framework of the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse to create characteristics of digital citizenship for military craftsman students, 2) to design the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse to create characteristics of digital citizenship for military craftsman students, and 3) to study the results after using the design of the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse to create characteristics of digital citizenship for military craftsman students. The study group in this research is 10 experts from various higher education institutions, all of whom were derived by means of purposive sampling and are specialized in the design and development of instruction systems. The research instruments consist of (1) the micro-learning process mixed with gamification via metaverse, (2) the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse, and (3) the evaluation form for the suitability of the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse. The results of this research show that (1) the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse comprises 4 main elements, i.e., input factor, the micro-learning process mixed with gamification via metaverse, output factor, and feedback, and (2) the suitability of the overall elements of the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse is at a very high level. According to the research results herein, it can be clearly seen that the micro-learning model mixed with gamification via metaverse to create characteristics of digital citizenship for military craftsman students is suitable enough to be applied to further develop other micro-learning platforms mixed with gamification via metaverse, which can be put in practical use in an effective manner.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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