Work Stress Factors Through The Operating Duty Performance of The Personel in Army Air Defense Command (AADC)

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Phoomipat Phitakdamrongkul
Chairirk Keawpromman


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the demographic factors influencing the operating duty performance of the personel in Army Air Defense Command (AADC). 2) to study the stress factors affecting the operating duty performance of the personel in Army Air Defense Command (AADC). The study population comprises 3,000 personnel from Army Air Defense Command (AADC). Data collection utilized a convenient sampling method, with 400 individuals selected for questionnaire administration using Yamane’s formular. This research employed a mixed-method approach, divided into two parts. 1) employed a quantitative research design utilizing questionnaires to collect data from the sample group of 400, 2) employed a qualitative research method, specifically interviews.        The results showed that 1) demographic factors such as rank level and education level significantly influence the operating duty performance of the personel in Army Air Defense Command (AADC), with statistical significant of 0.05 level; 2) stress factors affecting the operating duty performance of the personel in Army Air Defense Command (AADC), with statistical significant of 0.05 level, consistent with the hypothesized model. The most influential factor identified is career development (β = 0.229).

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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