Non-Cognitive Skills and Academic Efficiency: Preliminary Study at Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy
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This research aims to study effort-indicative non-cognitive skills that affect the academic efficiency of the cadets of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, using a quantitative economic research methodology and psychological variations. The research consists of 932 sampling groups and the primary data is the variation of non-cognitive skills, collected from questionnaires, voluntarily answered, through the e-learning system. The secondary data consists of study outcomes, obtained from the Division of Statistics and Personal Records. This research analyzes the data through the use of descriptive statistics and regression equation.
Though the primary data might have been biased, the research found the following. 1) The effort-indicative non-cognitive skills affected the cadets’ academic efficiency and the level of motivation influenced the effort to the point that it affected their Grade Point Average in each semester with significant implications, dependent mainly on the cadets’ personality traits. 2) The cadets’ consciousness was influential on their Grade Point Average in the first semester and also in each semester in the first, second and fifth year of study. 3) The cadets’ agreeable disposition was influential on their Grade Point Average in each semester in the second and fourth year of study. 4) The cadets’ sensitive temperament was influential on their Grade Point Average in each semester in the fourth and the fifth year of study; and 5) the cadets’ setting of life’s directions was influential on their Grade Point Average in each semester in the fourth year of study.
This research suggests that the Royal Thai Army should consider adding effort-indicative non-cognitive skills to their criteria in selecting applicants to the Pre-Cadet School and Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy should create a database of cadets for the benefit of research and development.
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