The Guidelines for Studying Suitable Areas for The Carbon Sequestration of Forest Sector in Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy

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Chintana Sanvong


Greenhouse gases are a group of gases that have been already existed in the Earth’s atmosphere that can trap and absorb heat waves from Infrared radiation from the sun. In particular the increase in Carbon dioxide gas from human activities has triggered more heat to build up. According to the National Strategy issue 18, creating sustainable growth in a climate-friendly community, it aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, carbon dioxide absorption and sequestration are important methods used to solve the problem. Forests have a photosynthesis process that captures carbon dioxide gas and sequestrates it in the form of wood.

Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy has a total area of 19,200-2-18 rai. According to the field surveys combined with LiDAR technology assessment have found that apart from the building area or community activity space, there are forested areas that have the potential to respond to the national strategy issue 18 which mentioned above. It also responds to the policy of the Minister of Defense and the Royal Thai Army Operational Policy 2024 which allows military units to utilize the land under their management, such as royal property and desolate land for military use, benefit public welfare, create employment opportunities, as well as support Thailand’s carbon neutrality goal effectively.

The study has identified guidelines for selecting suitable areas for the carbon sequestration as follows: 1) utilizing the area of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, designated as royal property for the Royal Thai Army use, requires forest sector to present official documentation to demonstrate land-use rights if applying for registration under the T-VER (Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction). This involves verifying the boundaries of the area and obtaining precise geographic coordinates using LiDAR technology 2) Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy has teak plantation plots, each rectangular and averaging 10 rai (1.6 hectares) or more in size, which are suitable for use as a study of carbon sequestration in the forest sector in order to participate in the voluntary greenhouse gas reduction project based on Thailand’s standards (T-VER) 3) The aboveground carbon storage assessment includes such as tree species, height, size or diameter at a height of 1.30 meters from the ground. This is in accordance with the Forestry Department’s recommendations to ensure survey cost-efficiency and accuracy.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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