Food Security and Sustainability of Thailand in the Era of Polycrisis
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This article aims to present approaches for establishing food security and sustainability in Thailand by elucidating the importance of the global food system in what is termed a “polycrisis”. This term refers to the current era characterized by multiple concurrent, interconnected, and mutually impactful crises spanning various dimensions, including international stability, domestic governance, food, energy, economy, and environment. These interconnected crises have the potential to lead to a “food catastrophe”. An example highlighted is the Russia-Ukraine war, which significantly impacts global food security. Amidst crises, many countries have increasingly turned to self-reliance by producing food domestically and adopting protectionist policies to ensure food security. Given the high uncertainty of these situations, countries cannot predict future food shortages, leading to an era where nations seek to bolster their food security by acquiring food security resources from other countries.
Currently, Thailand has a relatively strong capacity to produce food to meet domestic demand. This is reflected in the Self-Sufficiency Ratio (SSR), which compares the quantity of food produced domestically to the quantity required for annual consumption. This indicates that Thailand enjoys food security and self-sufficiency, meaning it is highly unlikely to face food shortages. However, Thailand still relies on importing certain agricultural products, particularly animal feed. Global crises can impact the cost of food in Thailand, especially if multiple crises occur simultaneously and the government fails to manage them, leading to “stagflation”, characterized by a slowdown in economic growth and high inflation. Consequently, the purchasing power of the people in the country will decline. During that times, even though there is enough food, the citizens will not be able to afford to buy it. That implies that the country lacks both food security and sustainability.
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