Approaches for Developing Joint Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) to Enhance Military Training and Planning Efficiency
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This article presents approaches for developing the Joint Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) system to enhance military training and planning efficiency. The focus is on improving simulation realism, increasing processing efficiency, and accommodating modern military scenarios. The study covers key aspects including the enhancement of mathematical and physical models, increasing the detail of environmental and terrain simulation, application of modern technologies such as AI, Big Data, VR, and AR, development of connectivity and interoperability with other systems, and improvement of user interfaces. Furthermore, the article discusses challenges in data security, resource and budget management, as well as personnel training. It also presents future trends and directions for JTLS development to accommodate technological changes and evolving military situations. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of continuous and integrated development of JTLS to strengthen military readiness and national security in an era of complex and rapidly changing strategic challenges.
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บทความ ภาพ ตาราง กราฟ ข้อเขียน หรือความคิดเห็นในวารสารฉบับนี้เป็นของผู้เขียนไม่ผูกพันกับสถาบันวิชาการป้องกันประเทศ และทางวิชาการแต่อย่างใดReferences
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