Social Innovation For Health Driving Through Child and Youth Participation


  • ชานนท์ โกมลมาลย์, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Social Innovation, Child and Youth Participation, Health Driving


The research is aimed to explore a social innovation for health driving through child and youth participation in various aspects including the meaning, type, form, element, and children learning method. In addition, the relationship between a social and cultural capital toward child and youth participation in the perspective of this social innovation is studied. The study methodology employs the qualitative research that composes of literature review, in-depth interview with 7 social science experts, and focus group discussion with 16 children and 10 child and youth-related workers. For the result, the understanding on the social innovation for health driving is enhanced in social science context. Firstly, a creative thinking can be developed into the social innovation. Secondly, the social problems and social needs can be solved and responded respectively by the social innovation. Thirdly, child and youth can participate in initiating and developing the social innovation. Moreover, the participation is considered as the practical and collaborative learning process. Finally, there is the interrelationship between a social and cultural capital and development of social innovation regarding health driving.


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How to Cite

โกมลมาลย์ ช. (2019). Social Innovation For Health Driving Through Child and Youth Participation. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 26(1), 120–145. Retrieved from