The development of an Interactive e-book to Support Reading Skills of Upper Elementary School Students with Dyslexia


  • สุจิตรา เขียวศรี, อาจารย์ ดร. Ratchasuda College, Mahidol University


E-Book, Dyslexia, Elementary School


The purposes of this study were 1) to develop an interactive e-book to support reading skills of upper elementary school students with dyslexia. 2) to compare the students’ reading achievement before and after using the interactive e-book 3) to investigate the students’ satisfaction towards the interactive e-book.
The participants were 10 upper elementary school students with dyslexia from Kamphang Saen kindergarten school, Nakhon Prathom. The participants were selected by purposive method. The research instruments were the e-book, pre-reading test, post-reading test, and semi-structured interview guide.
The results of the study revealed that
1) The format of an interactive e-book to support reading skills of upper elementary school students with dyslexia consisted of 2 main parts: 1. The structure of e-book consisted of 3 sections: front section, main section and back section; 2.Supporting tools for dyslexia consisted of tools for changing font type, font size, font and background color, text reading aloud, and the explanation of difficult word meaning.
2) The students’ reading achievement after using the e-book was significantly higher than the reading achievement before using the e-book at the level of 0.05
3) The students’ satisfaction in studying with the e-book was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

เขียวศรี ส. (2019). The development of an Interactive e-book to Support Reading Skills of Upper Elementary School Students with Dyslexia. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 26(1), 192–212. Retrieved from