Study on the Conditions Achieving the Development of the Child Protection System to Cover and Access the Marginalized Children on the Thai-Myanmar Border


  • ธันยา รุจิเสถียรทรัพย์, อาจารย์ ดร. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Child protection system, Sub-district (Tambon), Marginalized Children on the Thai-Myanmar Border


This study aimed to investigate the conditions achieving the development of the child protection system to cover and access the marginalized children on the Thai-Myanmar border, using the methodology of grounded theory as the study guidance. According to the study findings, the first condition leading to the development of the child protection system to cover and access the marginalized children was the role of project coordinators in each area. Regardless of working unit, the coordinators from all organizations should have the underlying characteristics as follows: They should enhance the trust of the target group and indicate their good intention on the child protection. When the permission was approved by the highest superior in the locality, the participants would realize the importance of the activity as this was regarded as the official and hierarchical cooperation. For the second condition, the lecturers should have the knowledge and experience on the child protection. They should understand the lifestyle of the participants and can work as the mentor for the organization. With these qualifications, the child protection system will be continuous. As the lecturers can provide consultation and work under challenging conditions, the sub-district child protection could be extended to cover more non-Thai or abandoned children. The third condition was involved with the vision of community leaders. If the community leaders, especially the chief executive of the Sub-district Administrative Organization (SAO), have the vision to achieve and manage a peaceful community and pay respect to all humans, the child protection will be equally provided to both Thai and non-Thai children. And finally, the fourth condition was the mutual coordination with the child protection committee in sub-district and provincial levels that should be promoted to enhance the child protection policies and networks more efficiently.


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How to Cite

รุจิเสถียรทรัพย์ ธ. (2019). Study on the Conditions Achieving the Development of the Child Protection System to Cover and Access the Marginalized Children on the Thai-Myanmar Border. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 25(2), 47–68. Retrieved from