Evaluation of teaching by investigating both sides of the Lecturers and undergraduate students of the Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus) during the Academic Years of 2013-2015.


  • สุวรี ปิ่นเจริญ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Teaching Evaluation


The purpose of this research is in order to evaluate the teaching by investigating both sides of the Lecturers and undergraduate students of the Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus) during the Academic Years of 2013-2015. The aims are to 1) To compare the teaching evaluation by having the students evaluating the Lecturers through the sectional evaluation and the grade result of the students is calculated by Major Required subject’s lecturers and 2) To analyze the thoughts by the comments of the students in the Faculty of Social Administration. Due to the fact that this study is a paper- based research, so the collected data are also based on the document including of 1) Teaching evaluating data collected by having the students do the individual self- evaluation of their Major Required subject and The data of grading evaluation of the students analyzed by the lecturers of Major Required subject of the Faculty of Social Administration (Rangsit Campus) and 2) Open- ended data collected through the comments of the teaching evaluation of the Major Required subject’s lecturers of the Faculty of Social Administration (Rangsit Campus).
The results can summarized that 1) By comparing the evaluations done by the students evaluating the lecturers through the sectional evaluation and the grade result of the students is calculated undertaken by teachers following 13 theoretical Major Required subject of the Faculty of Social Administration during 2013-2015. It is also investigated that the 1.1 section of the evaluation of each subject relating to the self- evaluation (done by the students) is found that the average scores are quite high in most subjects, and as a result, the grading points done by the lecturers are also high as well. This means that the results are correlated proportional to each other, except the subjects of SW214 and SW223 which the average scores made by lecturers and students are inverse to each other. For the 1.2 section inter- locking with the evaluation about the teaching environment and supportive assisting comments performed by the lecturers, it was found that the average of both factors are high and has similar numbers. This also caused the lecturers’ comments to become high as well making both values to be correlated proportional to each other, except in the subjects of SW214, SW223, SW312 and SW313 Turn out to be inverse to each other. 1.3 relating to the comments about teaching and the grading done by the lecturers, it was investigated that both of the factors seem to be in a correlated way. These exclude the subjects of SW213, SW214, SW221, SW222, SW223 and SW224 appeared to be inverse to each other.
In section 2, the analyzing of the learners’ comments towards their lecturers’ teaching of 13 major required subjects, it was concluded that the scores became inverse to each other. In other words, this means that if the comments about the teaching of the lecturers are high, but this thus, makes the comments of the students to become lower respectively. Similarly in the subjects of SW213, SW221 and SW311 which the average ratios of the lecturers’ and students’ comments are found to be contrast to each other in an inverse proportion.


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How to Cite

ปิ่นเจริญ ส. (2019). Evaluation of teaching by investigating both sides of the Lecturers and undergraduate students of the Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus) during the Academic Years of 2013-2015. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 25(2), 173–200. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/170115