The Value of Older people in Regime of Truth: Challenge to a social researcher in the present
Value of older people, New MethodologyAbstract
The objective of this article was to describe the new methodology which used to produce the knowledge of older person. The synthetic methods of knowledge and relevant documents by covering the older person of all ages and analyzed in the perspective of Hermeneutic phenomenology of the Heidegger concept which focused on understanding the life experiences of the elderly in the various systems that there are interesting aspects from the vision of their own experience. The results of the study was the new methodology is the production of knowledge which emphasize the older person as the center for reducing the social stereotype and create the justice in the society. The suggestion of this article is a researcher those who studies the value of the older people should use the new methodology in the study, so it will be able to create the meaning that change the status and role as well as the knowledge of the older people to move from the negative to the positive side which reflect the value of the older people that make them can live with others in the society is a challenge to a social researcher in the present.
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