A Comparative Study of Children and Youth Capabilities in ASEAN


  • เสาวธาร โพธิ์กลัด, อาจารย์ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Capabilities, Children and Youth, ASEAN


“A comparative study of children and youth capabilities in ASEAN” aims to study and comparative the factors of children and youth capabilities in ASEAN, especially high and middle-high level of average revenue per capital; Singapore, Brunei-DarusSalam, Malaysia, and Thailand. The factors are used to comparative as follow: 1) studying and working factors, 2) emotional and responsibility factors, 3) participation in community and society factors, and 4) health care factors. Moreover, the study aims to find ways of countries cooperation to improve capabilities of children and youth including suggests strategies and policies to develop cooperation with other countries for Thailand. This research is a Qualitative Research by using documentary study and in-depth interviews. Results indicate that children and youth capabilities in Singapore are higher level scores in studying-working factors and health care factors in all criteria than other countries. In contrast, the emotional and responsibility factors, although Thailand’s children and youth is higher level scores in school happiness and friend participation criteria, Malaysia’s children and youth is higher level scores in emotional intelligent criteria. The last factor, participation in community and society, Thailand’s children and youth is higher level scores in all criteria than other countries. To sum up, the factors which influence to support and develop capabilities of children and youth are in-house factors for example, public administrations and development assets and external factors such as cooperation in education, technology, welfare and human security. These factors are significant to create high human resources for ASEAN and to reduce deferent country development in our region.


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How to Cite

โพธิ์กลัด เ. (2019). A Comparative Study of Children and Youth Capabilities in ASEAN. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(2), 51–77. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/170888