Approach of the Thai Labour Movement towards 21st Century Globalization


  • ธัญญลักษณ์ รุ้งแสงจันทร์, อาจารย์ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Globalization, Labor Movement, 21st Century


Globalization has transformed the world into one ‘global society’ in which there are great advances in communication technology and free movement of capital, labour and thought. Neoliberalism believes in market forces and individualism, both of which have exerted significant influence over Thailand in the 21st century. This has led to economic, social and cultural changes to which the labour movement needs to adapt at two levels. At the micro level, the labour movement must strengthen itself with morally upright and capable leaders. Organisations need effective financial and human resources management and the labour movement must be unified. It must also construct a new image while reducing conflicts, whether internal ones or conflicts with employers and the state. Workers need to develop themselves to become skilled and competent in their field, be able to use IT and create workforce innovations. At the macro level, there is a need for a political party representing the workforce. The party should lobby for legislation and have both a domestic and international role without restrictions imposed by the state. It should be accepted by the general population, organize regular activities and be successful in its aims. Such actions will be a powerful response to the current situation and will enable the labour movement to operate meaningfully in this 21st century environment of change and globalization.


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How to Cite

รุ้งแสงจันทร์ ธ. (2019). Approach of the Thai Labour Movement towards 21st Century Globalization. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(2), 102–120. Retrieved from