Development Approach of Electronic Monitoring System for Offenders in Thailand


  • ปิยะพร ตันณีกุล, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University


Electronic Monitoring, Offender, Law


The purpose of this research are to study the pattern of electronic monitoring system (EM) that used in Thailand and other countries, the implementation problems of EM in Thailand and to search for the appropriate implementation of EM to the Thai context. This research is the qualitative research. The result of the study found that the pattern of EM currently used overseas, mainly used against with the offenders whose term of imprisonment are not very long and for first time of offense or apply to the offenders who have been an parole. There are two systems of technology commonly used; radio frequency (RF) and global positioning satellite (GPS). The offenders who participate in this project are most responsibly for costs. Each country has a different period of time using EM. Probation Department is responsible for enforcing and controlling electronic devices under the management of the Ministry of Justice. However, some countries set up independent EM to control.
The problems of the adoption of EM in Thailand are that there are unclear laws and the laws have not been enforce seriously. Beside shortage of officials, related officials have negative attitude and lack of knowledge on EM. The signal is unstable. The equipment is non-durable, large and heavy. Moreover, using EM are not suitable for offenders’ life and career especially in agriculture. The offenders have been stared all the time, loss of privacy, negative married life and feel ashamed.
The approach to appropriately implement of EM to the Thai context are to have legal support for every agencies’ operation and to before or during the trial and post sentencing. It should be applied for all cases depend on the circumstance of the individual offences and reasonable period for the used of EM. It should be set up a separate Department to supervise and increase staff. The devices should be adjusted to suitable to agricultural society, durable and modern. The alarm system should be connected with other agencies. If offenders are poor, the state shall pay for them, and vice versa.
Recommendations are that EM should be used for some suitable cases. The purpose must be clear and related to the type of case or the level of risk. In addition, the EM should be implement with other measures. In order to publicize EM to the public, websites about the EM should be set up with the support from various agencies. It should regularly check the integrity of the device and the system should be tested regularly. It should have an evaluation of the affect of the wearer’s health and safety of the community as well as their couple with regard to human rights. An evaluation should be applied prior to use, during and after the use of EM.


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How to Cite

ตันณีกุล ป. (2019). Development Approach of Electronic Monitoring System for Offenders in Thailand. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(2), 121–149. Retrieved from