The Evaluation of Children And Youth Council Development


  • ชานนท์ โกมลมาลย์, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University
  • ณัฐชยา กำแพงแก้ว, อาจารย์ Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • โชติเวชญ์ อึ้งเกลี้ยง Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University


Children and Youth Council, Youth’s Potential Development, Youth Development Curriculum


The research entitled the evaluation of child and youth council development aims to (1) To evaluate the children and youth council under the child and youth standards (2) To examine and improve child and youth council towards National Children and Youth Development Promotion Act B.E. 2550 (3) To develop Thai child and youth leader’s potential development curriculum. This research utilizes mix-methods methodology both quantitative and qualitative research. For the quantitative research, researchers created an evaluation tool to measure the efficiency of children and youth council regarding National Children and Youth Development Promotion Act B.E. 2550 act and children and youth standards. Qualitative research method, conducting the interview with the 3 experts on child and youth learning, civic education, and curriculum development. Moreover, researchers applied focus group technique with the leaders of children and youth council committee and the child and youth council counselors. In terms of trustworthiness, researchers utilized data triangulation technique. The quantitative result from 360 samples found that children and youth council appropriately demonstrated their role regarding the act. Thus, resource mobilizing and collaboration with government and non-government parties had been found that theirs were underestimated expectation. Qualitative result found that children and youth council committee and related people discovered 15 issues which were the approach to develop child and youth council leaders. Knowledge, skills, and tools were merged in these issues. In addition, the goal of all approaches is physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development for children and youth council leaders.

Author Biography

โชติเวชญ์ อึ้งเกลี้ยง, Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University

Department of Educational Psychology


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How to Cite

โกมลมาลย์ ช., กำแพงแก้ว ณ., & อึ้งเกลี้ยง โ. (2019). The Evaluation of Children And Youth Council Development. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(1), 105–134. Retrieved from