Comparative Analysis of Population, Health Condition, Health and Social Behaviors among Older Persons: Thailand and Japan


  • ณัฏฐพัชร สโรบล, อาจารย์ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University
  • นทีรัย จันทร์ปลูก Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University
  • ฐิตินันท์ ตันยุวรรธนะ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Longevity, Analysis, Older Person


This research aims to conduct comparative study of the factors affecting older person longevity in Japan and Thailand. It looks into two main population groups which are 497 older persons in Japan and 445 Thai older persons. Methodology used in this research is through information collection from available documents, questionnaires and experience sharing seminars among five data sources countries in Asia. This information is presented in statistical figures describing frequency and percentage of the experiment group and comparing general information as well as factors that affects long lifespan using content analysis method. Research found that in terms of marital status, Japanese older persons hold more “married” status whereas more “divorces/widow” and “single” found for Thais. Health aspect, Thai older person have negative behaviors to health, more than Japanese older persons. Socially, Japanese older person volunteers/participates more in social activities. At the same time, moral support is the support both Thai and Japanese older persons receives most from their families. Recommendation from this research to the government is to provide healthcare for older person. Local administrative organizations should provide service that could accommodate health and lifestyle of older person in the community.


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How to Cite

สโรบล ณ., จันทร์ปลูก น., & ตันยุวรรธนะ ฐ. (2019). Comparative Analysis of Population, Health Condition, Health and Social Behaviors among Older Persons: Thailand and Japan. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(1), 153–179. Retrieved from