Attitude and Altruistic Behavior toward Older Persons of Students of Faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University


  • เฉลิมขวัญ สิงห์วี, อาจารย์ ดร. Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasatsart University


Attitude toward Older Persons, Altruistic Behavior toward Older Persons, Social Sciences at Kasetsart University


This research studied about attitude and altruistic behavior toward older persons of students of faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart. The objectives of this study were; 1) to study the level of attitude toward older persons, and altruistic behavior toward older persons of students, 2) to compare altruistic behavior toward older persons of students by personal factors, and 3) to study relationships between positive and negative attitude toward older persons and altruistic behavior toward older persons of students. The samples of this study were 509 students of faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University.
The results of this study indicated that 1) level of positive attitude toward older persons of students was high; while, negative attitude toward older persons of students was medium, altruistic behavior toward older persons of students was high, 2) students with different gender, year of study and having elderly member in family had different altruistic behavior toward older persons with the statistical significant level at .01 and .05, and students with different academic program, activity participation and GPA had not difference altruistic behavior toward older persons, 3) positive attitude toward older persons was positively correlated with altruistic behavior toward older persons with the statistical significant level at .001 and negative attitude toward older persons was negatively correlated with altruistic behavior toward older persons with the statistical significant level at .001.

Author Biography

เฉลิมขวัญ สิงห์วี, อาจารย์ ดร., Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasatsart University

Department of Psychology


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How to Cite

สิงห์วี เ. (2019). Attitude and Altruistic Behavior toward Older Persons of Students of Faculty of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 23(2), 55–78. retrieved from