The Construction Practices of Female Inmate Docile Body in the Prisons


  • เบญจวรรณ บุญโทแสง Graduate School, Srinakharinwirot University


Docile Body, Technology of Power, Female Inmate


The purpose of this article was to study the creation of Docile Body among female Inmate through the analysis of a process of construction the body of female inmate in the vicinity of the modern state. The combination of the state’s knowledge and power and the patriarchy creates the truth through practices or technology of power: hierarchical observation, normalizing judgment and examination under the claim of legitimacy in changing female prisoners into good citizens. The truth emerged does not derive from coercion but practice for female Inmate’ obedience in terms of life, attitude, belief, and action. The researcher relied on Foucauldian’s narrative approach under the Post-Structuralism to exchange the idea with former female Inmate and prison officials. The analysis showed that power, knowledge, and patriarchy jointly have established powerful action in prison system since an initial day. It affects admission, reutilization of everyday life, division of labor, and femininity in the prison. These actions are the powerful relationship under the regime of truth, leading to the presence of Docile Body among female inmate through Self-Monitoring and Self-Discipline based on practice or normality in the context of prison.

Author Biography

เบญจวรรณ บุญโทแสง, Graduate School, Srinakharinwirot University

Development Education


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How to Cite

บุญโทแสง เ. (2019). The Construction Practices of Female Inmate Docile Body in the Prisons. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 23(2), 151–180. Retrieved from