A Developing of the Enrichment Curriculum for Developing the Public Mind of North-eastern Primary School Students


  • บังอร แก่นจันทร์ Buriram Primary Education Service Area Office 1


The Enrichment curriculum, The Public Mind for Students


The purposes of this study were to develop the enrichment curriculum for developing the public mind of north-eastern primary school students. The experimental group contains of 43 students of Prathomsuksa 6 from Triphumwitthaya School, 58 students of Prathomsuksa 6 from Anubanbandan School, 40 students of Prathomsuksa 4-6 from Bandonwai School and 45 students of Prathomsuksa 4-6 from Bannongyaplong School. The research procedures are; 1) basic data studied and analysis 2) curriculum drafting and try out 3) curriculum experimentation, and 4) proved and implementation. Research instruments are questionnaires, observation form and enrichment curriculum. The qualities of instrument are proved by experts. Analytical statistics are percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test value.

Research found that;
The enrichment curriculum to develop the public mind of north-eastern primary school students contains of 4 main factors; 1) responsibility 2) sacrifice, 3) generousness, and 4) kindness. The curriculum contains of principle, curriculum framework, learning activities, learning material, evaluation, 5 lesson plans and 16 learning activities with 30 hours trained. The finding from curriculum evaluation was suitable at high level and can be used. The efficiency of the enrichment curriculum found that; the result of pretest score in attitude and behavior compared with posttest had shown as different statically significant at .001 levels.

Author Biography

บังอร แก่นจันทร์, Buriram Primary Education Service Area Office 1

Senior Professional Level 6 Educational Supervisor 


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How to Cite

แก่นจันทร์ บ. (2019). A Developing of the Enrichment Curriculum for Developing the Public Mind of North-eastern Primary School Students. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 23(1), 75–89. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/173573