Process of Community Planning to Provide Quality Education in Community Development Offices, Located in Ban Na Doem, Khian Sa and Chaiya Districts, Surat Thani Province


  • Akarin Raksaman Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University


Process of Community Planning, Quality of Community plan


This study aims to study the process in the Community plan, the quality of the community development agency, Amphoe ban na DOEM. The Community Development Office, district offices, community development, Khian Sa district chaiya, Surat Thani, which is used to carry out qualitative research methods (Qualitative methods) by in-depth interviews as a tool storage from the development process, and community leaders of the community development agency, each district 3 District 3 people and community leaders all 3 each district District 1 total 12 people.

The results of this research have found that (1) the process of community planning, community development agency. Amphoe ban na DOEM Amphoe khian and district consists of 5 stages include analysis of community planning community. To perform the evaluation, in which all 5 steps, this will be a process that all 3 mounting is used as standard in the district plan for each community, so community plans through an analysis of the community stage. And with the participation of the public and other agencies share relevant mm section planning, community plans community to have quality (2) quality of the plan in the Community plan consists of 6 steps include the use of the basic data necessary household. Check the personal activities of public or joint representative households, more than 80 percent of the activities, check the participation of local governments. Having a written community plan. With the introduction of the philosophy of sufficiency economy requirements planning. There are activities that are self-reliant for at least 30 percent of all community activities in the plan, to which both the 6-step approach would be to assess the quality of community plans, according to the Department of community development, were placed in the Community plan, which both use District 3 Community plan assessments be done in community planning, community plans and the quality can be applied to the education community and those interested in the planned community of community.

Author Biography

Akarin Raksaman, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University


Master’s student, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University


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How to Cite

Raksaman, A. (2020). Process of Community Planning to Provide Quality Education in Community Development Offices, Located in Ban Na Doem, Khian Sa and Chaiya Districts, Surat Thani Province. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 28(1), 235–250. Retrieved from



Research Article