The Influence of Online Social Media on Deviant Juvenile Behavior in Bangkok


  • ชุติมาภรณ์ ค้าขาย คณะรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์


Online Social Media, Deviant, Deviant Juvenile Behavior


This research aims to study the influence of social media on the behavioral deviation of children and youth in Bangkok area. The research objectives were to study the influence of social media on the behavioral deviation of children and youth, and to study the influence of social media on the behavior of children and adolescents, In this study, questionnaires were used to collect data from the population. Samples were children and youth studying in secondary schools in Bangkok. The number of 400 students from 14 schools were selected randomly using multi-state sampling, simple random sampling, and convenience sampling. Statistics used in the study were inferential statistics such as correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis, dummy analysis, and logistic regression analysis. Analysis reveals that the strongest influencing factors were the duration of gravity to commit the offence, social media usage, external force, and the frequency of using social media, respectively Moreover, it was found that the gravity to commit the offence, the duration of using social media, and the frequency of social media usage, had positive relationship with the behavioral deviation. In other words, when children and youth frequently used social media and used it for a long time, it would create the gravity to commit the offence.Hence, resulted in a high chance of behavioral deviation. The study also found that external impediments had a negative direction with behavioral deviation.If children and youth had low external impedance, there was a greater chance of deviation. The key to inhibiting behavioral deviation was obtained from the external impediments, including love, warmth from family, friends, the ethics of oneself, and the action which was in accordance with the rules and regulations in society. Care should be generally practiced for all family members. Encouraging children and youth to use the media creatively can reduce the influence of social media on children and youth.


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How to Cite

ค้าขาย ช. (2019). The Influence of Online Social Media on Deviant Juvenile Behavior in Bangkok. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 27(2), 194–227. Retrieved from



Research Article