
  • Kusuma Muakmanee Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University
  • Madee Limsakul Faculty of Social Administration Thammasat University


Teenage mothers, maternal role, adjusting


The purpose of this research is to study the adaptation of adolescents to maternal role using qualitative research methods. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview form. Participants in the research were teenage mothers aged 15-19 years who are not pregnant with their first pregnancy, have given birth to a child for a period of not more than 1 year, currently still living with their husband, and used to receive service at Rak Dharun Clinic (Surat Thani Hospital). The study found that total of 13 cases of teenage mothers have a positive view on the word "mother" and "motherhood role" and see the importance of mother role in the family. In which the adolescent mother has to adapt to maternal role physically, mentally and socially in 6 phases as follow: 1) Accepting the pregnancy- teenage mothers show acceptance of pregnancy by taking care of their physical health and antenatal care. Although most teenage mothers have to face negative emotions due to concerns about the disclosure of pregnancy by family, relatives, friends and neighbors. Though they are the uttermost important people for the social adjustment of adolescent mother to accept the pregnancy. 2) Establishing relationships with babies- adolescent mothers in all cases establish relationships with children by raising children and breastfeeding them since after birth. As well as having frequent discussions and playing with children. 3) Adaptation to change in oneself- teenage mothers experienced illness during pregnancy will need to find ways to look after oneself according to each individual's symptoms and diseases. They also have to adapt and manage negative emotional changes with stress and worry about raising children and economic problems. 4) Adjustment to changes in relationships with spouse- The need to change on sexual relationship with their husband, in which the husband showed more love and attention to teenage mothers Including the duty of father to look after children together. 5) Preparation for birth and motherhood- teenage mothers need to prepare their body before given birth along with planning for raising children, contraception, education and careers. All teenage mothers have learnt to cope with the society about being a mother from a family member as well as online media. 6) Accepting motherhood roles- adolescent mother can accept their role as mother with help from families, schools, neighbors and communities with children are the main factors affecting positive feelings, happiness and success in maternity duties. The important suggestion from the study is that it should be integrated with relevant departments. Whether it is health agencies, schools, establishments, families and communities to support the maternal role of teenage mothers in childcare, emotional support, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, further education and careers.

Author Biographies

Kusuma Muakmanee, Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University

Master’s student on Social Work Program, Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University

Madee Limsakul, Faculty of Social Administration Thammasat University

Assistant Professor Madee Limsakul, Ph.D Full-time lecturer, Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


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How to Cite

Muakmanee, K. ., & Limsakul, M. (2020). ADAPTATIONS OF ADOLESCENTS TO MATERNAL ROLE: A CASE STUDY OF RAK DHARUN CLINIC, SURATTHANI HOSPITAL. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 28(2), 60–85. Retrieved from



Research Article