Roles of Social Workers in Social Support for Breast Cancer Patients


  • Watcharaporn Kamsan Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University
  • Assistant Professor Madee Limsakul, Ph.D Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Roles of Social Workers, Social support, Breast cancer patients


The aim of this research is to study the roles of social workers on social support for breast cancer patients. The research uses the qualitative method through semi-structured interview sessions with 8 social workers, who have been working closely with breast cancer patients, from 6 cancer hospitals nationwide.

The research suggests that these social workers provide 3 aspects of social support for the breast cancer patients, which are emotional and mental support, instrumental support, and information support.  The social support is divided into 3 periods: pre-treatment, during treatment, and post-treatment thus enable the patients to accept their symptoms, agree to continuously undergo the treatment and eventually live better lives. The roles of the social workers include the role of a consultant, the role of an educator, the role of an influencer and a rehabilitator, and the role of a coordinator with interdisciplinary teams in providing emotional and mental support to the patients. The other roles include cooperating with the instrumental support of social workers concerns resource coordination, educating and providing information to the patients, and coordinating with other teams to support the patients in terms of news and information. The major suggestion from this research is that there should be policies and roles on the social support within associate networks and interdisciplinary teams and add the role of a case manager for individual social workers to support the patients and their families


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How to Cite

Kamsan, W., & Limsakul, M. (2021). Roles of Social Workers in Social Support for Breast Cancer Patients. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(1), 29–67. Retrieved from



Research Article