Conditions and Impacts of Burnout in Child Protective Service Workers


  • Pinya Prasertsom Department of Psychology, Chiang Mai University
  • Assistant Professor Saengduean Yotanyamaneewong, Ph.D.


Conditions, Impacts, Burnout, Child protective service workers


This research applies a qualitative research case study method aiming to study the conditions and impacts of burnout of child protective service workers. Purposive sampling has been used in this study. The key Informants consist of five high burnout score child protective services workers in public and private child welfare organizations who have experience of working with abused children for more than a year. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation. Triangulation was used as a validation through content analysis.

The results reveal that the conditions of burnout in child protective service workers are 1) personal conditions including personality, attitude, education, work experiences, and family, and 2) work conditions including workplace, job functions related to working towards helping child abuse, workload and high responsibility, and conflict of roles, personal relationship, and organizational system in which the system and manager do not support this job, lack of career advancement and low pay, and lack of crew front line and miss encourage staff. As mentioned above, these conditions result in a lack of work satisfaction and motivation among children protective service workers. Burnout of child protective service workers will affect 1) the physical and mental health and behaviors of workers who help abused children as they risk depression and are experiencing compassion fatigue, 2) abused children who might receive a lower quality of services, and colleagues and family members who are experiencing relationship problems with workers, and 3) organizations that would receive a lower quality of work and lose efficient workers.


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How to Cite

Prasertsom, P., & Yotanyamaneewong, S. (2021). Conditions and Impacts of Burnout in Child Protective Service Workers . Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 29(2), 66–93. Retrieved from



Research Article