Self-Directed Learning in Online Learning among Students of Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


  • Assistant Professor Sukhuma Aroonjit, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat university


Self-directed learning, Online Learning, The Public Mind for Students, Faculty of Social Administration


The purpose of this research is to explore self-directed learning in online learning among students of the Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University with the aim to; 1) study self-directed learning in online learning among students, 2) investigate and make comparisons between factors and self-directed learning in online learning among students, and
3) search for correlations between the environment, stress, and self-directed learning in online learning among students. Samples are taken from 312 students from 1st-4th year students, Academic Year 2020 of the Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University from both Rangsit Campus and Lampang Campus. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire. Statistics used for the analysis are; t-test Statistic, One -Way Analysis of Variance ANOVA, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The research result is as follows; 1) Self-directed learning in online learning among students is at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it appears that students have the most self-directed learning aspect of online learning in regard to the responsibility for learning, followed by the aspect of the passion for learning and the aspect of the opportunity for learning as the least one. 2) There are significant differences between the factors related to the study center and computer aptitude affecting self-directed learning in online learning among students, while the factors of education level and the student's cumulative GPAX have no effect on self-directed learning in online learning. 3) All aspects of the online learning environment, including the environment of the instructor, the environment of group of friends, and the environment of resources in online learning has correlations with self-directed learning in online learning, while stress has no correlations with self-directed learning in online learning among students.


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How to Cite

Aroonjit, S. (2022). Self-Directed Learning in Online Learning among Students of Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 30(1), 127–153. Retrieved from



Research Article