Children and Domestic Violence
Violence, Family violence, Child abuseAbstract
This study aims to investigate problems regarding family violence against children. Conducted as participatory action research (PAR), it applies participative observation and in-depth interviews. Targets are parents from 15 households and 14 children aged between 10 and 12 years old who have lived in Chan Wirot Community in Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province for at least five years, can communicate in Thai, and whose parents consent to let them participate.
Results of the study show that forms of violence against children in Chan Wirote community include physical abuse, mental abuse, and negligence/abandonment. These affect both the children's bodies and minds. When they fall ill, they are left without care. They start using drugs, take part in gambling, develop game addictions, quit school, fail to behave themselves or to keep their emotions under control, physically attack others, refuse to register for an identification card, and so on. Based on this study, it is recommended to deal with the aforementioned issues through the participation of family, school, and community. These groups should work together to tackle the problems and to protect the children in the community. The family unit is not obliged to carry the burden of this responsibility alone but rather everyone should take this responsibility together.
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