Cyber Bullying in Public of Youth in the Bangkok Area


  • Assistant Professor, Tammattitta Yoocharoen, Ph.D. Faculty of Psychology, Kasem Bundit University


Cyber bullying, Mental health healing, Qualitative research


This qualitative research features interviews with experts with the purpose of exploring the following; 1. The motivation or factors that cause cyber bullying, 2. The methods or processes of cyber bullying, 3. The effects of cyber bullying, and 4. The guidelines of protections, corrections and mental healing of cyberbullied victims. This particular study has been based on the opinions of experts providing essential information, from both the government and private sectors in Bangkok. A total of 16 persons were engaged through in-depth interviews.

The conclusion of this research is as follows:

1. The motivations, factors, or reasons which cause cyber bullying are discontent, dislike, hatred, disagreement, jealousy, as well as conflict of interest. All of the aforementioned factors lead to humiliating online posts, cursing, discrediting, all of which create both physical and mental damage. Moreover, the playing of pranks is also found to be a motivation, for example, teasing, mocking, which, in turn, cause the loss of reputation of others, unconsciousness, impetuousness, and ignorance.

2. The methods or processes of bullying are mainly observed in three components: 1) Verbal bullying 2) Social bullying and 3) Indecent bullying.

3. The effects of cyber bullying aredivided into three dimensions. The first represents the effect of cyber bullying on victims, the second dimension is the effect of cyber bullying on the bully himself or herself, and the third dimension reflects the effect of cyber bullying on society.

4. The study of the guidelines of protections, remedies, and mental health healings of cyber bullied victims is divided into two dimensions as follows: The first dimension is a guideline of protection for cyber bullied victims. The second dimension is a guideline of remedies and mental healing for cyber bullied victims. This guideline is to remedy and heal victims’ mental health when they are bullied or fall prey to cyber bullying. This guideline consists of the following five main areas: Psychological principles, Relationships with close friends, Religious principles, Protection of system and technology and Legal protection.


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How to Cite

Yoocharoen, T. (2022). Cyber Bullying in Public of Youth in the Bangkok Area. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 30(2), 232–266. Retrieved from



Research Article