Government Applications: Quality and Public Service in the Digital Age


  • Assistant Professor, Udomchoke Asawimalkit, Ph.D. Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University


Government app, User experience, Quality of digital application


The growth of smartphone usage due to its functionalities and convenience of application usability is one of the many important reasons for the existence of the public service called “Government app” This promotion supported by the Digital Government Agency (public organization) has brought about 299 government apps and a growing interest in public service quality on the digital platform.  This paper aims to analyze the service quality related to the application usages by a group of experienced users deploying qualitative methodology through 81 informants who have skills related to smartphone applications and who display a voluntary interest in the assessment of such apps.  The app’s evaluation is undertaken via Google Sheet’s cloud system for text analysis, user’s satisfaction rating, and content analysis at the domain, in supplementing the user’s analytics in order to reach the application quality service representatives. According to the study, the quality of government apps service is limited. Users demonstrate higher expectations of apps than the service capabilities currently offered. These restrictions relate to the content of the app’s service, convenience and ease of use, which, in turn, present an opportunity for government agencies to subsequently improve their public services in the digital age in order to meet application development quality standards.


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How to Cite

Asawimalkit, U. (2022). Government Applications: Quality and Public Service in the Digital Age. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 30(2), 206–231. Retrieved from



Research Article