Capacity Building for Village Health Volunteers in Suratthani Province Using Buddhist Ways of Practice


  • Suriyan Rakkapao Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Associate Professor, Kantaphon Nuthongkaew, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahamakut Buddhist University


Capacity building, Village health volunteers, Buddhist ways of practice


The objectives of qualitative research were as follows: 1) To study the practice model of village health volunteers. 2) To study Buddhist ways of practice in capacity building of village health volunteers 3) To integrate Buddhist ways of practice to the capacity building of public health volunteers in Surat Thani province. 4) To present new knowledge about "Capacity Building for Village Health Volunteers in Suratthani Province Using Buddhist Ways of Practice” The informants were 17 qualified persons, using a purposive sampling Tools used are in-depth interviews and Focus group discussions. The data were analyzed, synthesized and presented in the form of a model.

The results of the study indicated that: The village health volunteers' work model is a proactive and reactive approach, which consists of the following factors: health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. The work model is in accordance with the government policies as well as the areas of practice. The Buddhist principles used in this model are wisdom for awareness, perception, understanding, including: Sammappadhana (careful, quit, maintain, develop), Four Rddhippada (satisfaction, diligence, care, and wisdom) Kataññukatavedi (gratitude) Sappurisadhamma (awareness of causes and results, self, time, practice and entity) honesty (Good Conduct, Wajee Prasarn Jitpattana) and the principle of Sangkhahavatthana (kindness, nice way of talking, support others and interpersonal skills). These principles are integrated with good practices such as persistence, behavioral modification and improvement, skill development and good communication and interpersonal skills for the best interest of themselves as practitioners and for society. The body of knowledge is “KHONDEE MODEL”, which comprises the following factors: K = Knowledge, H = Honesty, O = Operation, N = Network, D = Development, E = Enhance, E = Expert.


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How to Cite

Rakkapao, S., & Nuthongkaew, K. (2022). Capacity Building for Village Health Volunteers in Suratthani Province Using Buddhist Ways of Practice. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 30(2), 37–61. Retrieved from



Research Article