The Implementation of Good Practices in Preventing and Solving Domestic Violence with Community Participation


  • Assistant Professor Nirumon Rattanarat, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University
  • Sureeshine Phollawan Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University


community participation, community crime prevention, prevention of domestic violence


The research aimed at studying the operations for prevention and solutions of domestic violence and implementation of good practices in the pilot community areas i.e., a community area of Bang Prork sub-district, Pathum Thani city municipality, Pathum Thani province and another area of Thanon Hug Pattana community, Nang Rong city municipality, Buriram province by applying the concept of Crime prevention through social development and the concept of Community-based, or locally-based crime prevention through social activities in order to create the guidance for community participation which consists of 8 domains: 1. Awareness raising 2. Enhancement of knowledge, capacity and skill to community’s mainstays and volunteers 3. Organizing activities in community to build good relationship in families 4. Provision of policy and action plan of the local administrative organization 5. Integrating network system in community 6. Provision of action plan for prevention of domestic violence in community 7. Establishing the operations center for prevention of domestic violence in community and 8. Obtaining supports from local administrative organization for community’s operations.

The research resulted that a community area of Bang Prork sub-district has assigned roles and duties to the community leader and volunteers in their area as well as encouraged people in the community to join the anti-domestic violence activities under the minimum condition or limitation to do so with full support from Pathum Thani city municipality. In area of Thanon Hug Pattana community, the community board created the community map and the complaint center. People in Thanon Hug Pattana community work together to implement the best practice by establishing the sub-district operations center for prevention of domestic violence by municipality, produce a manual to prevent domestic violence in community and raise awareness as well as precaution in order to prevent domestic violence in their communities.


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How to Cite

Rattanarat, N., & Phollawan, S. (2022). The Implementation of Good Practices in Preventing and Solving Domestic Violence with Community Participation. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 30(2), 62–97. Retrieved from



Research Article