Kammasshrattha: The Behavioral Change of People in Phatthalung Province


  • Phrasamuh Uthai Santisukho (Suknuam) Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand
  • Associate Professor, Kantaphon Nuthongkaew, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand


Kammasshrattha, Behavior change, Behavior


The objectives of this qualitative research are as follows: 1. To study the concept of behavioral change theory 2. To study Kammashrattha for behavioral change theory 3. To integrate Kammashrattha concept in behavioral change 4. To introduce knowledge of Kammashrattha: Changing the Behavior of People in Phatthalung Province. The key informants were 15 experts. The researcher used purposive sampling, in-depth interviews and focus group discussion as methods to analyze and synthesize data to present the knowledge body in the form of a model.

The results showed that the concept of behavioral change theory attempts to change the mindset and behaviors to deal with stimuli, including physical, verbal, mental and social factors through purposeful strategies. It is necessary to use intelligence in assessment, and emotional control, and to apply cognitive skills and systematic inspection and management in solving problems and fixing emotions for behavioral change. In addition, the integration of the Kammashrattha concept into behavioral change theory is crucial because the former is able to develop wisdom, mindfulness and well-rounded people who are able to successfully solve problems according to cause and effect. Specifically, the Kammashrattha concept consists of the 12 principles of karma (the principle of action according to the factors of awareness in practice). For example, the principle of systematic thinking; the principle of Tri-Sikkha (self-development); the principle of Pawana (adaptation). These principles allow people to agree, accept, realize, learn, adapt and practice with mindfulness and awareness in each given situation. As a result, people can live a balanced life. The knowledge is, therefore, represented in the "SATTHA Model" composed of the six essential components of S = Surrounding, A- Adapt, T = Thinking, T- Training, H = Head to hand, and A = Attitude.


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How to Cite

Santisukho, U., & Nuthongkaew, K. (2023). Kammasshrattha: The Behavioral Change of People in Phatthalung Province. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 31(1), 314–337. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/swjournal/article/view/261129



Research Article