Violence in Thailand


  • Associate Professor, Sumonthip Chitsawang, Ph.D. Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Assistant Professor, Thitiya Phetmunee,Ph.D. Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Nathee Chitsawang Thailand Institute of Justice, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Wanatsanan Kanthawong Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Violence, Aggression, Crime


The article “Violence in Thailand” aims to study the causes, symptoms, and effects of the use of different forms of violence in Thailand. It aims to propose possible preventive measures as well as solutions to these identified problems. The methodology of this research is based on a mixed methods approach, consisting of a survey of 2,200 sample people and 400 inmates together with qualitative research involving in-depth interviews with 8 inmates and victims of violence and 10 representatives from agencies that display best practices in the prevention and solution of violence.

The research found that the most significant forms of violence in Thai society include suicide, domestic violence, violence against children, women, and elders, violence from criminal acts, violence involving firearms, violence committed by juveniles, and violence related to terrorism. The causes of violence in Thai society include issues related to broken families, the portrayal of violence by the media, the prevalence of alcohol, drugs, and firearms, economic problems, and the acceptance of the use of violence as a norm. This research provides important recommendations as follows: values and cultures that encourage violence should be addressed and challenged; prevention measures for domestic violence against children and women must be in place; alcohol consumption, drug abuse and the use of firearms must be strictly regulated; and lastly, religious values should be encouraged as the main guidelines for leading one’s life.


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How to Cite

Chitsawang, S., Phetmunee, T., Chitsawang, N., & Kanthawong, W. (2023). Violence in Thailand. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 31(1), 47–88. Retrieved from