Alternative Workfare to Enable Self-Employment: A Case Study of Hang Chat District, Lampang Province


  • Nualprang Aroonjit Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand


Workfare, Productive welfare, Active labour market


This article investigated the concept of enabling workfare to promote work and skill development. Qualitative research was conducted using survey data collected from five selected communities in Hang Chat District, Lampang Province. The results indicate that community welfare management relies on the community's ability to maintain autonomy and preserve its local identity. The implementation of flexicurity, which combines flexibility and security in community context. These findings emphasize the significance of workfare as an alternative approach to develop the community economy, a self-employment option leading to enabling workfare to boost occupational security and self-employed income, promoting human capital development, and providing proactive welfare emphasizing community productivity for local foundation development.


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How to Cite

Aroonjit, N. (2024). Alternative Workfare to Enable Self-Employment: A Case Study of Hang Chat District, Lampang Province. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 32(1), 183–215. Retrieved from



Research Article