The Rug Pull: Crime on Decentralized Finance (DeFi)


  • Kullanan Sricharoen Faculty of Political Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Rug pull, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Digital asset


This article explores Rug Pull issues, a crime in Decentralized Finance (DeFi), analyzes Rug Pull schemes and factors that have emerged, and includes suggestions on how to prevent them from emerging. This is qualitative research, using documentary research.

It was found that DeFi, uses emerging technology to remove third parties and centralized institutions from financial transactions. Peer-to-peer (P2P) financial transactions are one of the core premises behind DeFi, where both parties agree to exchange digital assets for goods or services without a third party involved. This means that loans are backed by smart contracts that are completed based on the terms both parties, the lender and the borrower, agreed to. Anonymity and a lack of inspection and risk assessment from regulators, hence most DeFi applications, give rise to risks of illicit use, facilitating misconduct. The issuance of promotions or trading on DeFi platforms could be considered non-compliant in many jurisdictions. Equally, when DeFi platforms or activities currently fall outside of the regulated space in some jurisdictions, they raise risks that may be left unaddressed by existing rules. The study of the problems of Rug Pull thus caused four key problems: Globalization, Risk Society, Legal, and International Cooperation. There are three main types of Rug Pull: Liquidity Stealing, Pump-and-Dump, and Limiting sell orders. There were three key factors affecting Rug Pull utilizing Routine Activity Theory: Potential Offender, Digital Asset Investor, and The Absence of Guardians Capable.Finally, the appropriate approach for preventing rug pull is establishing strong network development in terms of digital assets, The integration of important information is a necessary condition for the success of law enforcement in interstate securities trading without federal registration, to raise awareness about the risks of investing in digital assets with the cooperation of the government, private sector, and online community.


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How to Cite

Sricharoen, K. (2024). The Rug Pull: Crime on Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 32(1), 29–61. Retrieved from



Research Article