Planning for the retirement of insured persons in social security system


  • สุเนตรา ธีรเสนี คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
  • เล็ก สมบัติ คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


The study on "Planning for the retirement of insured persons in social security system" is intended to study the insured persons’ perceptions on old age benefits and welfare for older people and to study the retirement plan of the insured persons in health, housing, economy and society. This study is a survey research. Covering the group of the insured persons with the age between 40-60 years old who come to use the service at the Bangkok Social Security Office Area 6, amounting 1,000 people per month in average. The Taro Yamane formula was applied for the calculation of the sample group at the confidence level of 95%, resulting in 286 sample size. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test, as well as One-way ANOVA, Scheffe's method. The results of the study revealed that: 1) The perception on old age and welfare benefits of most insured persons amounting 91.61% were low. 2) The insured had planned for their retirement, health, economy and social aspects with the moderate level at average 3.18. When considering retirement plan of insured persons in terms of age, education, income per month, employment characteristics, and housing, it is found that there were statistically significant differences at the 0.05 level. It is suggested that the Social Security Office and relevant agengies encourage the insured to be aware and understand the rights to old age benefits, as well as to prepare for their retirement to ensure that the insured can live happily after his retirement. Besides, the rights to old age benefits and a variety of communication channels should also be promoted to create continuous perceptions in the changing context.


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How to Cite

ธีรเสนี ส., & สมบัติ เ. (2019). Planning for the retirement of insured persons in social security system. Journal of Social Synergy, 9(2), 13–25. Retrieved from



Research Report