Guideline on Handling of the Property of Organized Criminal Group Associated with Human Trafficking


  • สุวรีย์ ใจหาญ สำนักงานปลัดกระทรวงการพัฒนาสังคมและความมั่นคงของมนุษย์


Human trafficking, Organized criminal group


Human trafficking is an important international issue and a serious crime that violates the value and dignity of human. Thailand remains encountering with human trafficking issue with its status as a source, transit and destination country of this crime. Human trafficking committed by the organized criminal group is usually associated to the money laundering syndicate. The crime leads to an abundant amount of benefit which enables the traffickers to continuingly commit further crime. However, human trafficking is a wrongful business that threatens the national security. This article, hence, aims to suggest a guideline on handling of the property of organized criminal group associated with human trafficking. The study is based on the analysis of government’s measures to manage the property confiscated from a money laundering case in which the wrongdoers had obtained from committing human trafficking offence. Also, it aims to recommend concrete measures to handle with the said property to compensate the victims of trafficking, and to prevent and suppress human trafficking issue in line with international standard.


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How to Cite

ใจหาญ ส. (2019). Guideline on Handling of the Property of Organized Criminal Group Associated with Human Trafficking. Journal of Social Synergy, 9(2), 26–33. Retrieved from



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