Protecting the Rights of Juvenile Offenders under the Age of Ten in Thailand


  • siriporn kaukulnurak Faculty of social work and social welfare


Juvenile offender, Children under the age of criminal responsibility, Child welfare, Children’s rights, Protection


Thai law prohibits the prosecution of juvenile offenders under age 10. Section 73 of the Thailand - Penal Code, B.E. 2499 (1956) states that a “child not yet over ten years of age shall not be punished for committing what is provided by the law to be an offence.” A child is defined as someone requiring protection under Section 40 (3) of The Child Protection Act B.E. 2546 (2003). (The Act) While Thai law protects childrens’ rights, according to principles of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), several problems remain in resolving certain issues.

In the case of children under the age of 10 who have been accused of wrongdoing, the court’s main duty is to protect the childrens’ welfare. The Department of Children and Youth, a dependent department of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, should therefore be the host agency to protect this group of children from exploitation. Meetings should be held to establish common practice between agencies working with juvenile offenders who have not yet reached the age where criminal penalties are prescribed. Memorandums of agreement between relevant departments (MOU) would clarify such practice and definitions. Other suggestions for improving legal and administrative measures are offered as well in this research.


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How to Cite

kaukulnurak, siriporn. (2020). Protecting the Rights of Juvenile Offenders under the Age of Ten in Thailand. Journal of Social Synergy, 10(1), 69–84. Retrieved from



Research Report