The Procedure of Zero Waste Promotion in Ban Huachang Community, Yangnoi Sub-district, Kosumpisai District, Mahasarakham Province


  • ศิริวรรณ พันธุ์ยางน้อย คณะสังคมสงเคราะห์ศาสตร์


The Procedure of Zero Waste Promotion


The research aims to study the types and sources of waste. Attitude and behavior in garbage disposal of people in the community study the process of operation and guidelines for promoting community – free garbage A collection of 105 household questionnaires and interviews with the administrators and directors of the public Health and Environment Division Yangnoi  Subdistrict Administration Organization.

The results showed that the most common type of waste was food waste, vegetable debris and garbage Sources. Is from household and from markets such as plastic buckets, foam boxes, food containers And the attitude of solid waste disposal is at a good level And different sexes have different attitude And the behavior of the garbage disposal is at the best level of practice, which is to join the campaign to raise awareness among the villagers to help separate waste before leaving And different gender There is no difference in garbage Disposal behavior.

The process of promoting the community to be free of waste has 3 steps, namely, the middle, the destination and the destination under the 3Rs Reduce Reuse Recycle and allow all sectors to participate in waste management. The area district ordinances and legal checks for garbage dumpers.

Policy suggestions Encourage people to participate in drafting ordinances and supporting knowledge. Waste management methods along with distributing information to the public as for the operational recommendations should encourage the public sector in all age groups to participate in the activities for the management of waste.


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How to Cite

พันธุ์ยางน้อย ศ. (2020). The Procedure of Zero Waste Promotion in Ban Huachang Community, Yangnoi Sub-district, Kosumpisai District, Mahasarakham Province. Journal of Social Synergy, 10(2), 76–85. Retrieved from



Research Report